7 thoughts on “Feeling cold?”

  1. Lots of Bonderman and Galarraga on that video. Even some Rodney. Shoot, they even showed Willis’ lone strikeout from this season. Verlander didn’t get much coverage. But you know who was missing altogether? Zumaya.

    Great video, though. Good God am I ready for baseball season.

  2. I never get sick of Maggs’ walkoff homer to beat Oakland and send us to the World Series. I giggle like a schoolgirl every time I see it. Even the version that Joe Buck announces.

    Yeah, I’m ready for baseball too.

  3. Mark: I must’ve watched the DVD of that HR 763 times by now and I still never get tired of it. By my math, that would make Maggs ahead of Bonds on the all time list…

  4. I’m leaving for spring training in two weeks….I’m scared……I will follow the Tigers the first two weeks of March. I know a few guys will be gone . It is the ones who are going to be there I want to see.

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