9 thoughts on “Either Jim Leyland forgot to pack his razor…”

  1. Maybe he’s trying to be in disguise!

    Or more than likely, the beard is a manifestation of how this season broke Leyland. It’s how we men react to trauma or change.

  2. ok, i know i may ruin any “cred” i might have (however unlikely) have built for myself…but i love the beard on Jimmy. as a proud sporter of such a thing myself, i can’t help but applaud the growth of (or expansion of previous) facial hair. this can ONLY mean that good things are in store for ’09…

  3. Leyland decided to grow a beard and not shave it off until he gets that contract extension.

  4. With a cigarette, he still looks like the skipper. With a pipe, a professor. A cigar, a long haul truck driver. A cup of coffee, a guy sitting outside an A.A, meeting. And why isn’t he wearing his Tiger cap during the off season like the rest of us do?

  5. I see an incipient Donald Sutherland thing happening there…

    (how about trying Kiefer “Jack Bauer” Sutherland as the closer? In 24 Hours, he could pitch twice. He won’t hesitate to come in tight when warranted. And the team could recoup some money in network tie-ins).

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