DTW Live Chat

Starting at 12:45 today we’ll try something new. I’ll do a live chat. Ask your questions and we’ll see how it goes.

: Thanks to everyone who participated. There were some great questions, and fortunately I think I was able to keep up pretty good. Please let me know what you though of this. It was a spur of the moment decision I made when I had 45 minutes and couldn’t decide what topic to cover today so it seemed like a good time to try this.

Is this something I should do again? Maybe once a month or so?

6 thoughts on “DTW Live Chat”

  1. Loved it, I’m thinking 2x/month or even more frequently – maybe since there are two home stands a month you could do one before each home stand/ or after each one?

    Sadly I missed your interview today on the radio (I try to listen in)

    As far as these go, whatever you decide(assuming you do it again), it would be nice to have a set schedule so I could think up some really good questions/and not miss it

  2. Agreed. I can’t participate like i used to, but a chat would be something I could make time for — it’s just such a great format for hashing questions bigger than a poor 9th inning at bat by Inge.

  3. Good stuff. Until I read the chat transcript, I didn’t know it was Polanco who called the team meeting.

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