links for 2007-11-24

6 thoughts on “links for 2007-11-24”

  1. Wow, that Conlin thing is embarrassing for him. I tried not to make personal judgments about McCosky or this guy when I read the stuff they write, as well as how they handle the backlash, but they both handled their respective situations terribly. Conlin’s response was far, far worse obviously.

  2. Conlin is part of a growing trend as “pro” sportswriters are seeing their world slowly crumble around them. Many are excellent, but too many of them are being exposed for the poorly researched, often poorly expressed, and overlyproud idiots that some of them are.
    Expect to see more anti-blogger tirades, columns, etc.

  3. I think there’s a generational gap in sports writers that is pretty jagged. Conlin is obviously on the old timers side of it, and a bit nuts to boot. How often do we have a problem with the under 35 or 40 crowd? Doesn’t seem like too often to me, but maybe I’m missing a glaring incident.

  4. At least McCosky didn’t personally attack what seemed like contrite emails questioning the author of the column’s stance. I thought that the great thing about sports was the debates that can be had. And then Conlin makes obscene statements regarding Hitler wiping out all bloggers? What? Did I even read that right? What a load of garbage. Probably going to send him an email.

    I am with Kurt, though. It’s the generation gap. Conlin’s not a young pup and the older dogs are often the meanest and less accepting. And in an ever expansive world of the internet and sports coverage, that just comes across as unprofessional and down right ridiculousness.

  5. Well, this older dog is trying to learn all I can about sabermetrics. However, there are many new statheads who have their own stats they have created and continue to create so it’s kind of hard to keep up. I have to admit, though, that sportwriters were held in high esteem for many, many years and it’s difficult to read about some of them being demonized. While I love freedom of speech, I don’t always agree with the bloggers as some of them don’t have a clue what they are writing about. Not Billfer, though. That’s why I come to this blog.

  6. Definitely, Kathy. And kudos to attempting to learn about them instead of shoving them aside. I’m fine with people who don’t like them after trying to learn about them. And they’re constantly expanding/evolving, but if you want to learn, Billfer does a GREAT job of explaining them in laymens terms and mixing it with just general commentary. Which is why this blog is excellent.

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